Tag: ξηρα μαλλια

B.A.M. Hair Salon
January 21, 2023
"Hair Masks, what do they do to the hair?"

Hair Masks Explained

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June 7, 2022
How to revive your dull hair

Compromise is not an option when
it comes to dull hair

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July 7, 2021
Preparing the hair before the holidays. What services do hair experts recommend so that you can have healthy and manageable hair on holiday?

The moment of the year we have all been waiting for has finally arrived! The summer holidays! We will relax and get out of the daily routine of the city, which sometimes can be demanding and difficult. Holidays are our ticket to recharge our batteries and spend carefree moments where we don't have to think […]

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July 21, 2020
Six ways to prevent dry hair and ends.

Fix Your Dry Hair

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July 15, 2020
Dos & Don'ts for Hair Oils: How to use them and which hair types are suitable for.

Hair oils are used to hydrate, smooth, and shield the hair from thermal tools and technical processes like dyes and highlight color cream products. They offer smooth , shiny and healthy hair plus they smell great and give us a sense of well-being! Just like our skin, our hair needs the necessary greasiness in order […]

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bamhairsalon.gr@gmail.com(+30) 210 6800 299

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